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Bidens Nominee Earns Bipartisan Support After Heated Hearing

Senate Confirms Merrick Garland as Attorney General

Biden's nominee earns bipartisan support after heated hearing

Garland pledges to restore Justice Department's independence and integrity

The Senate has voted to confirm Merrick Garland as attorney general, ending a tumultuous nomination process that saw the former federal judge grilled by lawmakers over his views on a range of issues, including abortion, gun control, and the ongoing investigations into former President Donald Trump.

Garland, who was nominated by President Joe Biden in January, faced tough questions from Republican senators during his confirmation hearing. Some Republicans expressed concerns about Garland's past rulings on abortion and gun rights, while others accused him of being too close to the Biden administration.

Garland defended his record during the hearing, saying that he would enforce the law "without fear or favor" and that he would not let politics influence his decisions.

In a speech after the vote, Garland said that he was "honored and humbled" to be confirmed as attorney general.
